Warning for G2 (Gatorade)


OK, It’s no secret that I despise drinks like this.  They are not hydrating to the body at all.  I am personally allergic to these drinks because of the artificial sugars in them which will give a urinary track infection quicker than I can say, well, you get the idea.  It makes me sad to think that our coaches and parents are misled, thinking they are helping our selves and our loved ones, by giving them these drinks.

Please watch this 10 min video which will show you exactly why these, and many other drinks are not good for our bodies.


I’m leaving the website name, incase you want to copy and paste it and send it out to your family or friends.  After you watch the video and would like to know more, please visit my website http://Www.Alkalizingyourwater.com

This truly is a Iife changing day, if you take the time to watch the video above and go on my website.  You can request my free Ebook, and newsletter.  The turn around of your personal health, will be an amazing testimony of what I’m talking about.

If you don’t believe me, below, is an article I found on the internet.  Please read to the end.  Sometimes, people need more documentation, not willing to listen to what I say, who am I right?  Just a person who is loving, caring, and willing to stick my neck out there, to try to educate people on why we have so many health problems today!  If the video above, my website, and the article doesn’t make you rethink the whole drinking of these kind of drinks, then how about this…  How does the body neutralize all of the acid we put into our bodies, everyday?  Well, if it takes 32 glasses of Kangen Water to neutralize one glass of soda, the only other way for the body to recover from that much acid? Is to steal what it needs to do that from our bones.  Have you ever thought about why we have so much osteoporosis today?  It’s in epidemic proportions.

So, I’m not saying you can never drink soda or these kinds of drinks.  Just don’t do it thinking you are helping yourselves.  Education is power, knowledge can assist us in making better choices, which every day, with the compound effect, can make dramatic difference in your health at the end of 6 months to a year, or think out 10 years.  It’s no wonder America has one of the worst health records of the whole world.

TV commercials, if you even watch TV commercials anymore, with NetFlix, HULU, and YouTube, and Facebook,  America has slowly weaned itself off listening to all the garbage that these things are good for us.  The sad thing is, we all listened to it that our minds are programmed to believe their non sense.

So, Thanks for reading this far, If you’d like a more detailed explanation as to why this particular product is so bad, continue reading, and I’ll leave you for now.  Please share this if you got something out of it.   Here’s to your health…

Article from Dr. Michelle Kmiec,

G2 (Gatorade) Health WARNING!

I honestly do not understand the need for “drinks” such as G2 (Gatorade).

The ingredients in these “performance” drinks accomplish the exact opposite from the reason you are exercising in the first place – For better health!

Let’s just take a look at some of these ingredients!

**Acesulfame potassium –

“Acesulfame potassium is a zero-calorie sweetener that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. It is derived from acetoacetic acid and fluorosulfonyl isocyanate. Acesulfame potassium works in the body by stimulating the secretion of insulin in a way that may lead to reactive hypoglycemia. While the FDA approved of its use and consumption by American citizens, the Center for Science in the Public Interest believes further research should be conducted to ensure that it is safe to eat. The CSPI thinks that acesulfame potassium may be carcinogenic due to experimentation of the substance on lab rats.

Additionally, in lab rodents, acesulfame potassium has produced lung, breast and rare organ tumors, various forms of leukemia, and chronic respiratory diseases. Due to the fact that the substance acesulfame potassium contains methylene chloride, long-term exposure may lead to a number of issues for people consuming it, including headaches, visual disturbances, mental confusion, nausea, depression, effects on the liver and kidneys…”

Read More: Artificial Sweeteners: Why You Should Completely Avoid Them to Stay Healthy

**Monopotassium Phosphate –

“used for a source of potassium (which is an electrolyte), and as a preservative. The problem with phosphates is that they cause an imbalance of phosphorus to calcium in the body. Too much phosphorus causes calcium to be drawn out of the blood, and in most cases our bones. Over long-term this can weaken our bones and increase the susceptibility of fractures.”

Read More: The Optimal Sport Drink – ditch that other stuff!

**Splenda (sucralose-based artificial sweetener) –

“…Splenda is a synthetic chemical created in a laboratory. In the five-step patented process of making it, three chlorine molecules are added to one sucrose (sugar) molecule. Some will argue that natural foods also contain chloride, which is true. However, in natural foods, the chloride is connected with ionic bonds that easily dissociate. In Splenda, they’re in a covalent bond that does not dissociate. In fact, there are NO covalent chloride bonds to organic compounds in nature, only ionic. Covalent chloride bonds only exist in synthetic, man-made molecules.

Aside from Splenda, other examples of synthetic covalently bound chloride compounds include:



Agent Orange

Your body has no enzymes to break down this covalently bound chloride. Why would it? It never existed in nature, so the human body never had a reason to address it…”

Read More: CSPI Downgrades Splenda From “Safe” to “Caution”


**FD&C Blue No. 1 – Brilliant Blue FCF, E133 (blue shade) –

“Can be found in soft drinks, gelatin desserts, ice cream, drink powders, candy, bakery products, cereals, feta cheese, dairy products and pudding. Also used in toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorants, cosmetics and pet foods. Known health effects: causes low blood pressure, asthma, hives, and may bring on allergic reactions.

**Caution: Do not consume if sensitive to aspirin**

In 2003 the FDA sent out a safety warning concerning the use of Blue no. 1 in a medical procedure: “There were several reports of toxicity, including death, temporally associated with the use of FD & C Blue No. 1 (Blue 1) in enteral feeding solutions. The dye was used to help detection and/or monitoring of pulmonary aspiration in patients being fed by an enteral feeding tube. Reported episodes were manifested by blue discolouration of the skin, urine, faeces or serum and were associated with serious complications such as refractory hypotension, metabolic acidosis and death. Seriously ill patients, particularly those with a likely increase in gut permeability, may be at greater risk.””

Read More: ADHD & Cancer Linked to Food Dyes

So, is G2 really the best choice to “Quench your thirst”?

I think the obvious answer is NO!

Instead, why not use filtered water with a few drops of trace minerals (to replace lost electrolytes) or simply squeeze a lemon with a pinch of sea salt!

Remember, there are ALWAYS healthy options!

Dr. Michelle Kmiec

is a board certified chiropractic physician who also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology, and a minor in Medical Research. She is a life-long athlete who after curing herself 100% naturally from MS and anxiety, became an avid nutrition health researcher/promoter. She has been featured in many Health magazines, and has been a guest on radio talk shows in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. She is the author of Health Freedom Revolution: Exposing the Lies, Deceit and Greed of the Medical Profession’, Founder of Online Holistic Health, and a contributing writer for other popular informative health website/blogs. She is also founder of The Triad of Life™ Holistic Lifestyle Program – the most comprehensive holistic program on the internet today

How to Do a Liver/Gallbladder cleanse for pennies!

Hello, and thanks for visiting my blog, if you are here for the first time.  Please, share this if you like this and other posts on my blog.

Well, here it is, how to do a Liver and Colon/Gallbladder cleanse.  There are many products you can buy out there, and pay a lot of money for.  A friend of mine posted a video, and it costs pennies to do, it’s effective and fast.  It will take an evening of your time, and possibly into early afternoon, if you’re like me.  I have included an article from Andreas Mortiz at the end of this part of my blog post, that better explains the benefits than I can.  So read to the end to decide if this has enough benefits for you to try this.

OK, So here goes…

What you need?

4 cups water (I used Kangen Water 9.5)  but I’m sure regular filtered water will work)

4 tablespoons plain Epsom Salts

4 oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil

4 oz Fresh squeezed Lemon or Lime Juice  (I used Lemon)

I want to start by saying there was absolutely no pain, or cramping with this.

In a pitcher mix the 4 cups water and the salt. If you make it earlier in the day, you can refrigerate it.  It’s perfectly nasty either way.  Plug your nose if you must.  I didn’t eat anything during the cleanse and only drank water.

Ok, so here’s some helpful hints before you start.

Make sure you have plenty of toilet paper!  At least 3 rolls, just for yourself.  I’m not kidding on this one, you won’t be able to go to the store to get more, while in the process.  Next, make sure you have 2 bathrooms in your house, or at the very least, do it on a day that you won’t have to worry about the bathroom being occupied by someone else.  Wear comfortable clothes, that remove on a dime, and DON’T plan on working or having to go anywhere during this cleanse.  Have extra clean underwear available. Oh and as my friend said, NEVER TRUST A FART!!!!!  So if I haven’t lost you yet, Lets go

Prepare the oil and the juice and set it aside with a cover over the top.  That way if this this hits really fast, you are ready and don’t have to be bothered with making up this mixture.

At 7 pm, drink one cup of the water mixture.

At 9 pm, drink one cup of the water mixture.

At 11:00 pm, drink the juice mixture.  This will actually taste good after drinking the salt water.  Go immediately to bed and sleep on your right side with you knees up.  If you can’t go to sleep like this, then sleep on your back.

At 7 am, drink one cup of the water mixture.

At 9 am, drink the last cup of the water mixture.

You are all done, except for seeing the results of the flush.  By this point, your body is just expelling clear liquids, so you can easily see the little green balls which are coming from the liver and gallbladder.  Pretty interesting that all those toxins where in there and we don’t even know it.

CONGRATULATIONS, you may have just done your first ever colon cleanse.  I hope you did.   If not I hope that you schedule time for yourself and do this.  I’m 60 this year and have been told by others that I should do it, but never had the guts to try it.  I decided to be pro-active because I don’t want to do a colonoscopy because my thoughts on that are,  wait for it?  IT’S A ONE WAY STREET!  Many people do them, I will not.  I’ve seen perfectly healthy people go in for one of those things, and have to go in for surgery, because the doctor broke through the colon wall.  People have lived on this earth for 1000’s of years and have lived just fine without them.

Even the inventor of the colonoscopy recommends Kangen water after doing a colonoscopy, and he shows the difference of a person on the Kangen water afterwards, through time of course, the colon is clean, and good.  So I elect to just skip that part and drink my Kangen Water Every Day!  If you would like to know more about it, Let me know, or visit my website, www.alkalizingyourwater.com

Benefits that I can feel 10 days out after mine?  I seem to be losing weight, my stomach is not so bloated, and I don’t crave sugar as much.  It said you can do it every 2 weeks, so I plan on doing it again, just to see if more stones come out.  The guy on the video I watched doing this, harvested a bunch and they were 1/2 to 1 inch big.  Mine were mostly little but hundreds of them.  So you decide.  Is it worth it?  Would I do it again?  Absolutely.

So, There you go, pardon the pun,  blessings to all!

Below is an Article I found on the internet, and they sell a liver/colon/gallbladder cleanse.  I don’t have any vested interest in the cleanse, other than to spread the word, and be a blessing to someone who wants to try this, but can’t afford to spend a lot of money.

Benefits of Liver & Gallbladder Flush

You May Benefit from a Liver Cleanse article by Andreas Moritz

Reaping the Benefits of a Liver Cleanse

Anyone suffering any of the following symptoms or similar ones is likely to have hundreds, if not thousands, of gallstones blocking the bile ducts of the liver:

Food cravings, diarrhea, constipation, hernia, flatulence, hemorrhoids, breathing difficulties, hepatitis and other types of infection, high cholesterol, pancreatitis, heart disease, brain disorders, duodenal ulcers, nausea and vomiting, a “bilious” or angry personality, impatience, greed, fear, disease and cynicism, depression. These expressions of discontent may indicate that the body is increasingly cut off from the circuit of nourishment and vital energy.

Additional manifestations: impotence and other sexual problems, prostate diseases, urinary problems, hormonal imbalances, PMT and menopausal symptoms, problems with vision, puffy eyes, all skin disorders, liver spots especially on the back of the hands and facial area, excessive weight or wasting, strong shoulder and back pain, a pain at the top of the shoulder blade, frozen shoulder, stiff neck, dark color under the eyes, coated tongue, scoliosis, gout, asthma, headaches and migraines, tooth and gum problems, yellowness of the eyes and skin, sciatica, numbness and paralysis of legs, joint diseases, osteoporosis, obesity, chronic fatigue, kidney diseases, cancer, MS, ME, cold extremities, excessive heat and perspiration in the upper part of the body, very greasy hair, to name some.

By removing the stones through a series of liver cleanses (usually six to eight are sufficient to fully restore liver performance), and consequently maintaining a reasonably healthy diet and lifestyle, the liver returns to its natural efficiency, and most, if not all, symptoms of discomfort begin to subside. Energy and well-being notably increase with each cleanse.

Sweeping the liver clean eliminates thousands of bits of poisonous substances that have helped form the stones and block thousands of liver bile ducts. Cleansing the liver bile ducts from gallstones may indeed be one of the most important and powerful procedures around to dramatically improve one’s health and raise the body’s vibration. By re-opening the bile ducts, the body’s energy circuits becomes restored and healing can take place on all levels of body, mind and spirit.

When the body Speaks

Unlike the stomach, for example, the liver rarely tells you directly when it is upset or if it needs your attention. It does tell you indirectly, though, when it starts to perform poorly. A skin irritation, weak eyesight, a bowel problem, an irregular menstrual cycle, a recurring headache, weight gain, loss of energy, sudden aging, restricted blood vessels, bloated intestines, digestive problems, breathing difficulties, memory and concentration loss, pain in the joints, or any major illness such as heart disease, cancer, MS, diabetes or Alzheimer’s, to mention a few, would not occur if the liver were in optimum shape.

In fact, because the liver is responsible for processing, converting, distributing and maintaining the body’s fuel supply consisting of nutrients and energy, impeding these functions not only affects the body as a whole, but also the health of every single cell.

Through dietary mistakes, stress, an unbalanced lifestyle, the use of drugs and chemical poisons such as food additives and artificial sweeteners (Aspartame), the liver bile ducts become clogged with deposits of hardened bile or “gallstones.” The resulting impairment of digestive functions reduces the nutrient supply to the trillions of cells in the body and may become a major cause of illness.

The Liver Cleanse

The liver flush mentioned here is a simple, safe and painless do-it-yourself procedure using mainly apple juice [there are options; malic acid has no sugar – Grace prefers it and provides it], olive oil, lemon juice and Epsom salts to dispel gallstones from the liver and, of course, also from the gall bladder.

Since introducing the liver cleanse to my patients, I have received countless testimonies expressing total amazement about the fast and profound healing effects it produces. They encouraged me to write a book on the subject. The book, which I named The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, includes the exact procedure and necessary background information for conducting such a cleanse.

My personal experience with the liver cleanse was quite amazing, too. During my first cleanse, I passed 500-600 gallstones, pea-size and larger, which had been impacting my liver for decades. Almost immediately, I was overcome by a simultaneous feeling of disgust, tremendous relief and euphoria.

Among numerous other complaints, which I almost had forgotten about because they had so much become a part of my life, the chronic backaches, indigestion and permanent numbness of my left leg disappeared (for good) and mental clarity reached unprecedented heights within several hours after the first cleanse. The positive effects continued to unfold and intensify after I passed another 3,000 or so gallstones during the following six cleanses.

I still feel perplexed about how I possibly could have survived with several handfuls of gallstones in my liver that were loaded with poisons, harmful bacteria and other noxious substances. Soon, I discovered that gallstones in the liver are more common than I ever could have imagined.

Gallstones in the Liver

An estimated one billion people in the world will suffer gall bladder disease at some stage in their life. In the United States, 20 million adults suffer from attacks of gallstones every year. In many cases, treatment consists of removing the gallbladder, at the cost of $5,000 or more per operation. Yet there are many more people, including those suffering a chronic illness such as heart disease, arthritis, MS or cancer, who have hundreds, if not thousands of gallstones blocking the bile ducts of the liver. A liver congested with gallstones may be one of the most common, yet rarely recognized causes of illness today.

Most people assume that gallstones occur only in the gallbladder. This assumption is wrong. Most gallstones are actually formed in the liver and comparatively few occur in the gall bladder. This can be verified by anyone doing a liver cleanse, regardless of whether he/she is a lay person, a medical doctor, a scientist or someone who no longer has a gall bladder and is thought to be free of gallstones altogether.

I am repeatedly asked the intriguing question: Why in mainstream medicine is there is no reference for the occurrence of gallstones in the liver? The reason for this important “missing link” may lie in the theories of modern medicine that suggest gallstones can only be formed in the gallbladder and not in the liver. Of course, it doesn’t help that the non-calcified hardened bile deposits (gallstones) congesting the liver bile ducts are invisible to X-rays.

Because bile and these stones are made of the same stuff, ultrasound scans also miss them. Only in some rare cases, where tens of thousands of stones have accumulated in the liver, has ultrasound technology been able to detect a few hundred of them. This makes modern diagnostic tools for detecting gallstones in the liver virtually ineffective.

On the other hand, a qualified iridologist, an Ayurvedic physician or a natural health practitioner who knows the signs and indications of gallstones in the liver and gall bladder can quite easily determine the degree of gallstone formation in these organs. But even in alternative or complementary medicine, there is rarely mention of an effective therapy that can actually remove gallstones safely and without pain. Even if all other disease-causing factors are eliminated, but gallstones are still present in the liver, they remain the harbingers of future illness.

Andreas Moritz is a medical intuitive, practitioner of Ayurveda, Iridology, Shiatsu and Vibrational Medicine. He is the founder of Sacred Santemony – Divine Chanting for All Occasions. Born in Southwest Germany, Andreas has spent most of his life living and practicing in Europe, Asia, Africa and the United States. He has authored four books on health and healing: The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation, It’s Time to Come Alive and Lifting the Veil of Duality. Andreas also is the artist who created the oil paintings for a new innovative approach to healing through energized art, called Ener-Chi Art.

End of Article


How to have a Happy Cyber Monday!

I’ll get to Cyber Monday in a second, but first this.

After Thanksgiving, since I was a little girl, I seemed to be plagued every year with a huge zit on my nose.  Now, as a kid I didn’t think it was funny!!! Nor did I know what it was coming from.  In school, the kids would call me Rudolph, because the zit would fester and last till Christmas.  Thank goodness my mother would cook a ham for Christmas.  Really, the only time I had turkey was at Thanksgiving.  The zit was more like a skin ulcer.  I’d also get them on my chin and no body made fun of those.  Only my nose!

As an adult, I started to put the pieces of this puzzle together, because one year, I decided to give up turkey altogether.  I still got the red nose.  So the next year, I gave up anything that touched the turkey.  Think of that for a second.  No Turkey, No gravy, No stuffing!  What kind of Thanksgiving was that?   A WONDERFUL ONE, BECAUSE I HAD NO RUDOLF NOSE.

The reason I even mention this is because just maybe, some of you Mom’s out there, have children who suffer from this same problem.  Trust me, it’s not funny out there, for those of you laughing, like all my friends did in school.

This year I decided to put it to the test again, and ate just about 3 little pieces of Turkey, no gravy, or stuffing and guess what?  A little tiny zit popped up on my nose, so I can guarantee that I’m allergic to Turkey.  Just food for thought, pardon the pun, if some of you may be battling the ZIT problem after Thanksgiving.

So, on to Cyber Monday!

Do you participate?  I heard on TV this morning, that some of us, are even buying online, while on the bosses time.  Well my friend if that’s you STOP.  It’s basically stealing.  For those of you who have a “JOB” and trade your hours for money, you are stealing from your boss when you do that.  To do Cyber Monday, do it on your break, or lunch or after 5.  If however, you are self employed, SHOP AWAY!

Also, last year, I shopped online and didn’t get a couple of the things I ordered in time for when I needed them.  On the positive side, you don’t have to pay tax for some items, so no wonder the appeal.  Think of the money that saves.  Now, some states have figured out how to tax the internet, so just look around and buy from the ones that don’t.

So Happy Cyber Monday!  Hope you don’t get a hangover if you ring up your credit cards, come January.  In other words, set a limit and don’t spend more than that.  Kind of like going to the casino.  Go with a set amount in mind and leave when you’ve met your limit.  Don’t go to the ATM machine they conveniently have there for you.  Same with shopping, don’t go opening a new credit card, because they offer you a discount if you open a new card.  Shopping and gambleing are fun, when you can walk away with money, or walk away, knowing you haven’t just spent the house payment, insurance money, or worse yet, the food budget for the week.  I shutter to think how many times that happens.

So, have a great day, and I will get that article written on the colon cleanse.  Just not today.  I’ve got shopping to do.  Thank goodness for Enagic, which allows me not to have a “Job”.  I am blessed to have a great team, and the lifestyle is amazing.  I only work part time, and make more than most do full time.  Ring me if you’d like to know more.

Untill next time… Happy Cyber Monday


Happy Thanksgiving, tips for not over eating!


Wow, Time Flys!  I’m writing this today, because I havent written on here and I still get subscribers everyday.  I want to thank all of you, over 1K of you who have Subscribed to my blog.

I have had a very eventful year this year as I’m sure you have as well.

As my headline reads, try not to overeat too much.  I know, We Americans have the worst diets in the world and we love our food.  The absolute worst thing you can do is to go sit on the couch after eating your big meal and go to sleep.  The body has no where to use all the energy to burn off what you just ate, so think about this.  How about asking the host if you can help clean up.  I know that some of tomorrow’s cooks will NOT want help in the kitchen tomorrow.

But cooks, Please think about this.  You are not helping the people you just served a wonderful meal to if you let them just go veg out and you’re stuck doing all the work.  Plus, all that food is going to be going to their hips and other parts I won’t mention here.  So, try to let them help.

If your family sits and watches the TV during football, how about breaking up into two groups and who ever gets a touch down, the other group has to go out and run around the house, or do 22 pushups in rememberance of the 22 vets a day who commit suicide, every day.  And if you see one tomorrow, while you are out and about, offer to buy a vet dinner.  The whole point of Thanksgiving is to be Thankful right?  Not just stuffing our faces with food. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as guilty of this as anyone in America!)

I want to take a minute and thank my Enagic Family, for the gifts of friendship,  love, encouragement, and mostly the gift of my personal health.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read some of my other posts and you can call if your interested about learning more.

My next blog, will be about doing a Colon and Gallbladder cleanse, I know not exactly the thing you want to think about today, but just thought I let you know.

So be safe if you’re traveling to see loved ones.  I heard on the news today that the bus who turned over killing 6 children and hurt many more, Asked the kids, just before turning the bus too quick, Are you Ready to Die today?  My God, how can such evil be within our mist?  But it is, so be safe, pay attention to those around you.  Make sure if you see something, say something.  And say a little prayer for our Men in Blue.

We have many who won’t be able to be with their families, this Thanksgiving. Pray for them too, as it can be a really depressing time for them.

So, now that I’ve mentioned all of that, go out and have the Best Thanksgiving Ever!

My love to All….




2016 One Week In!

imageI’d like to thank my mentor Michelle Raley for posting a lot of these great motivational pieces on our Kangen Water Facebook members support page.

Today, as I wake up, I hear that the stock market will be opening at 400 points down.  We as Americans can do nothing about that.  What we can control, is whether we choose to add to the problem by selling off too, or holding tight.

We need to stay calm and don’t sell, unless you are within a 50 cent margin of drop.  If more than that, hold tight and hang on.  Sometimes the market gets messed with by a few who sell off big, and then buy it all back when the middle class gets scared and sells theirs off.

The ones who started it, pocket a fortune in just a few hours.  I’m not saying that’s what is happening today, but I’ve seen people’s retirement accounts wiped out in a day.  It’s kind of like a roller coaster ride.  Never get off when it’s at the bottom.  Wait till it comes back up in a few days.  At that point you can decide to get out altogether, trade to a different, less volital stock, OR you could put it into a business that can be a safer bet.

Shameful segue into a commercial for Enagic, but it’s the best thing I’ve done for myself in, well let’s just say years and leave it at that. Lol. We get paid daily.  The mailbox is our friend.  We work with our loved ones, and our friends and new friends.  We don’t have that awful feeling of having to work with those who put us down, or talk behind our backs.  People who would love to see us gone.  You know what I’m talking about.

I’m not saying to go quit your job, because you still need that job, until you build your business to the point where you feel comfortable you can meet your families needs.

If you are already financially independent, then you, like I did, can jump in feet first!  (Not recommended for bungy jumping, as I learned first hand, in New Zealand)  That had to be the biggest thrill in my life.  That and the skydiving, but I’m getting off subject here.

PEACE OF MIND, you can’t buy it, you can’t borrow it, you can’t steal someone else’s.  You can only create it for yourself.  I am in the business of helping others to create theirs.  I love my business, and if you would like to learn more about mine, call me.  I’m always ready to help the next person, who God taps on your emotions and says, have you had enough?



Get Pissed!


I lLOVE THIS PICTURE!  It’s going to be on my Vision Board!  Not sure what a vision board is?  Well, it’s a place that you put all of your goals and ambitions!  Put up a picture of the car you’ve always wanted to drive.  Doesn’t matter that you feel you will never get it.  It matters that your brain looks at it every day, and subconsciously will go to work to get it.  Already drive the car of your dreams?  Pick something else! Lol You can have as many or as few pictures-goals as you like.

If you do this, I guarantee you will thank me some day!  So what if it takes you 30 years to finally get it.  You want it faster?  Well, decide when you want it, and don’t just sit there, find a way to make it happen.  This mornings Darren Daily has it right!  Get Pissed!

Darren Daily GET PISSED video

If you’ve been looking to do something different this year than you’ve always done, then call me.  I have a vehicle that can change your life.  No, I’m not talking about a car.  I’m talking about changing your life, by changing your true health -healthy mind, healthy body, healthy finances.

I will help you.  I’m looking for a few people to lock arms and do a 90 day, full out massive action.  A common denominator of the people who make more than a 6 figure income, do this to get started.  A jet can’t get off the ground by just taxiing around the runway, you need full power in the beginning, to get off the ground.  Then you can sit back and enjoy the ride.  I know, we have our own plane.  This could be the day that you decide you want one too!  A few simple yes’s to questions and you are on your way.  No, you don’t need $100k to make that kind of money either.  The company is so great, it will even finance you to get started, if you don’t have credit available to you.  This company Enagic is the greatest company on planet earth, because it is a global company.

What do you have to lose?  Make sure to watch the video.  Then call me.  479-381-8953.  Let’s make 2016, your best year ever!  You can also learn more by clicking on my website Click this link to learn more.  Make sure you watch all the videos on the website.  Consider it an investment in you to do so.  My website if you want to share it is www.alkalizingyourwater.com

Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed today’s post, please share it with someone you love.  If you love them, so will I.  Please don’t share with the people you don’t like. Lol. In this business, we can choose, who we want to work with.  The money is nice, but long term, if you don’t like them, just pass! Lol

Hopefully, you walk away from this post, with the feeling that, yes, this year is going to be different!  Kinda like the Star Wars movie, let this be the year that THE FORCE AWAKENS WITHIN YOU!

New Years Eve Day 2015


Hello, as today marks the end of 2015 and the start of 2016, I think this picture is absolutely perfect for anyone looking to make those resolutions.  As I said in the last post, I don’t put to much weight into them, because no one I know has successfully kept one for more than a month. Lol

If you smoke, I would hope that you could cut down, if not quit.  If not for yourself, then for the non smokers around you.  I know this may offend some, but truth hurts.  Smokers were lead down a path when they came out and I’m sure, if they knew then, what we all know now, you wouldn’t have ever started.

Just like owning a gun.  The gun’s not bad and it’s our right to have one.  Many have fought and gave their lives for us to do so.  We just need to be smart about it.  The safest place to keep a gun is on your body.  Otherwise, one of our employees, gave Bryan a gun safe that requires a finger print to open it for Christmas.  How cool is that?  If a person is intent on hurting someone, they will do it with or without a gun, Mr. President!

This New Year as we enjoy the festivities, I would just say, keep your eyes open and be safe.  Don’t drink and drive. Don’t text, drink and drive.  Don’t drink, drive, and text or worse, fall asleep driving.   I find when I drink, all I want to do is go to sleep.   All driving distractions lead to a path of destruction, which I really don’t want to hear about New Years Day.

Last thing, I have figured out, besides helping people with their health in the new year, is that I’m not going to be sucked down the funnel of social media.  Learning how much productive time is wasted looking at Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, you get the idea.  If you want me to see something, tag me in it.  I will be on a few times a day, and I will check those.  Unless, I just have nothing else better to do, lol.  It’s very addicting, and before you know it, you look up and an hour is gone, you can’t get back.

Ok, so with all that said, I appreciate you reading this and my subscribers for being with me in 2015, and I’m looking forward to what 2016 will bring us.

I also want to shout out to my Enagic Kangen Water family!   To name a few, Don Prosser, Eric Prusak, Linda Brown, Michelle Raley, Rolando Ramirez, Bruce McNaughton and Bill Powers, and many more.  I love you all, and appreciate all the support and encouragement you have given me throughout the year.  It gave me something else to think about besides my losses.  God is good!  He knew I needed all of you to help get me through it.

Lastly, Bryan who is my rock, I love you!  I have never been happier and looking forward to our future!

During your holiday time, if you find yourself with nothing to do, or if you are needing additional income in 2016, please check out my website and watch the videos I have on there. www.alkalizingyourwater.com discusses how it get the very best water on the planet for you and your family, and help your financial situation out as well!

Remember, if you enjoyed this, please share me with a friend.

Happy New Years everyone!



Happy New Years (2 days early)


This picture describes what I think most people wish for, as a new year approaches.  New Year resolutions have never been my strong suit.  I found at a young age that most people don’t keep them for more than a week.

So, I always try to pick one thing that I would like to work on throughout the year.  This year I have decided to continue helping people with their health.  Of course, you can’t make anyone do anything.  I can however, lead by example.  Isn’t that all we can do anyway?

This last year, has had tremendous blows to our family, with losses of loved ones.  Those would have made me not want me to even get up out of bed in the morning. (Some times I still feel like that, but have found that time goes by much faster, by getting on with life).  I also accept death better now than say, 20 years ago, because I know we will see them again.  That gives me comfort and time seems to be flying by, as it is.

This last year, we have had many new changes.  We moved into a new home, that’s beautiful, and sometimes I feel like I’m going to wake up and it’s all a dream.  If it is, please don’t wake me.

The changes in our country… doesn’t feel like the America I grew up in.  We must make sure that our families, keep our values alive and well.  If we all do that, then I think, it won’t matter who’s running the country.  WE, ARE THE COUNTRY!

For those of you outside of USA, as I’ve gained many readers throughout the globe, I wish you and yours a very happy, and tearless new year.

I hope that each of us, will enjoy the family and friends we have and make room in our lives for many more.  LOVE   It’s the one universal thing that does not separate us.

Happy New Years everyone and Thank you for reading my blog.  If you find me interesting, share me with a friend.


Sometimes, we don’t realize what we have!


Hello again, and thank you for reading my blog.  We have been preparing to move to our new home soon, date still unknown.  On my last post, I mentioned that we moved the big dinning room set to the new house.  This room you’re looking at right now, was a blank slate.  All of this was in a second dining room.  Our family is so large that when we have gatherings, I’ve had more than 50 people here at a time.  This is a two story house, so needless to say, a lot will be gathering downstairs as well.

So, you might be asking yourself, why did she move all that stuff, to a different room?  Well, it’s because we are not selling this house.  We are going to rent this house out for short term rentals.  Times like, the FLW, War Eagle Crafts weekends, summer, you get the idea.

Ok, now that the move of the furniture is done, the question is, what to put in there.  I decided to put Bryans Mothers pottery she has made me on display for all to see.  Might even get her a few commission pieces.  This cabinet is all but a few pieces, full of pottery that she has made us through the years.  It is beautiful.

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The pictures above are some of my favorite pieces.  I never realized how many things she has given us over the years, until they are all in one place.  Just beautiful, made with love.

This reminds me of what it must look like, if only you could step back and look at all the little things, we do for others.  If we could, you would see a beautiful site like what’s in the cabinet.  That’s how our father above sees us, with total clarity.

Which brings me back to the title.  Sometimes, we don’t realize what we have, but he does!  We can rest in that.  He’s got this, in this day of uncertainty, He’s got this.  So, go out and make it your best day ever…

The Red Door


Red door!  Well, the Internet said that a red door is both bold and inviting.  What do you think?

I just love that Bryan decided to do it himself, LOL.  His many talents as forward thinker, inventor, business man, pilot, and many more, but painter, well, I think we should leave some things to the experts.  It gave him fits.  It will be fine, and I love it, but it’s about 50/50 on the likes and dislikes.

It truly doesn’t matter though, because I just love that he wanted to do it himself.  If you know Bryan, that’s just the kind of guy he is.  He could have paid to have it done, and of course McKenna’s response was “Great looking door, Grandma.”

Ok, so April, my lovely daughter, may have been right about the red door making the wallpaper in the entry way look pink, when the door is open.  I hate it when she’s right, and has to make sure everyone knows about it.

We moved the dinning room set this weekend to the new house.  It left a big whole in our current house, so now I am of course, messed up for Thanksgiving, not sure which house we will be in by then.

Moving is very stressful for me since as kids we moved every 2 years. Yuck!  Even though this seems like a move up, I really love my current house and am conflicted.  I even told him at one point, you can live in that house and I’ll stay here.  That didn’t go over very well, and I was just kidding.  This is the longest I have ever lived anywhere.  I’m glad we are staying on the same road, but at the end with a beautiful view, a swimming pool, and a red door!