How to have a Happy Cyber Monday!

I’ll get to Cyber Monday in a second, but first this.

After Thanksgiving, since I was a little girl, I seemed to be plagued every year with a huge zit on my nose.  Now, as a kid I didn’t think it was funny!!! Nor did I know what it was coming from.  In school, the kids would call me Rudolph, because the zit would fester and last till Christmas.  Thank goodness my mother would cook a ham for Christmas.  Really, the only time I had turkey was at Thanksgiving.  The zit was more like a skin ulcer.  I’d also get them on my chin and no body made fun of those.  Only my nose!

As an adult, I started to put the pieces of this puzzle together, because one year, I decided to give up turkey altogether.  I still got the red nose.  So the next year, I gave up anything that touched the turkey.  Think of that for a second.  No Turkey, No gravy, No stuffing!  What kind of Thanksgiving was that?   A WONDERFUL ONE, BECAUSE I HAD NO RUDOLF NOSE.

The reason I even mention this is because just maybe, some of you Mom’s out there, have children who suffer from this same problem.  Trust me, it’s not funny out there, for those of you laughing, like all my friends did in school.

This year I decided to put it to the test again, and ate just about 3 little pieces of Turkey, no gravy, or stuffing and guess what?  A little tiny zit popped up on my nose, so I can guarantee that I’m allergic to Turkey.  Just food for thought, pardon the pun, if some of you may be battling the ZIT problem after Thanksgiving.

So, on to Cyber Monday!

Do you participate?  I heard on TV this morning, that some of us, are even buying online, while on the bosses time.  Well my friend if that’s you STOP.  It’s basically stealing.  For those of you who have a “JOB” and trade your hours for money, you are stealing from your boss when you do that.  To do Cyber Monday, do it on your break, or lunch or after 5.  If however, you are self employed, SHOP AWAY!

Also, last year, I shopped online and didn’t get a couple of the things I ordered in time for when I needed them.  On the positive side, you don’t have to pay tax for some items, so no wonder the appeal.  Think of the money that saves.  Now, some states have figured out how to tax the internet, so just look around and buy from the ones that don’t.

So Happy Cyber Monday!  Hope you don’t get a hangover if you ring up your credit cards, come January.  In other words, set a limit and don’t spend more than that.  Kind of like going to the casino.  Go with a set amount in mind and leave when you’ve met your limit.  Don’t go to the ATM machine they conveniently have there for you.  Same with shopping, don’t go opening a new credit card, because they offer you a discount if you open a new card.  Shopping and gambleing are fun, when you can walk away with money, or walk away, knowing you haven’t just spent the house payment, insurance money, or worse yet, the food budget for the week.  I shutter to think how many times that happens.

So, have a great day, and I will get that article written on the colon cleanse.  Just not today.  I’ve got shopping to do.  Thank goodness for Enagic, which allows me not to have a “Job”.  I am blessed to have a great team, and the lifestyle is amazing.  I only work part time, and make more than most do full time.  Ring me if you’d like to know more.

Untill next time… Happy Cyber Monday


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About Christy Anderson

I've always been self employed, very health conscious. Currently with Enagic, being True Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Finances, brings Healthy Mind. #EnagicRoks #KangenWater, #SD501 and the #Anespa Also #Ukon #Turmeric Supplements. For more info: visit Looking for Distributors in #NewZealand, #Australia #UK, #Canada ,#Malaysia to name a few!

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