How to Do a Liver/Gallbladder cleanse for pennies!

Hello, and thanks for visiting my blog, if you are here for the first time.  Please, share this if you like this and other posts on my blog.

Well, here it is, how to do a Liver and Colon/Gallbladder cleanse.  There are many products you can buy out there, and pay a lot of money for.  A friend of mine posted a video, and it costs pennies to do, it’s effective and fast.  It will take an evening of your time, and possibly into early afternoon, if you’re like me.  I have included an article from Andreas Mortiz at the end of this part of my blog post, that better explains the benefits than I can.  So read to the end to decide if this has enough benefits for you to try this.

OK, So here goes…

What you need?

4 cups water (I used Kangen Water 9.5)  but I’m sure regular filtered water will work)

4 tablespoons plain Epsom Salts

4 oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil

4 oz Fresh squeezed Lemon or Lime Juice  (I used Lemon)

I want to start by saying there was absolutely no pain, or cramping with this.

In a pitcher mix the 4 cups water and the salt. If you make it earlier in the day, you can refrigerate it.  It’s perfectly nasty either way.  Plug your nose if you must.  I didn’t eat anything during the cleanse and only drank water.

Ok, so here’s some helpful hints before you start.

Make sure you have plenty of toilet paper!  At least 3 rolls, just for yourself.  I’m not kidding on this one, you won’t be able to go to the store to get more, while in the process.  Next, make sure you have 2 bathrooms in your house, or at the very least, do it on a day that you won’t have to worry about the bathroom being occupied by someone else.  Wear comfortable clothes, that remove on a dime, and DON’T plan on working or having to go anywhere during this cleanse.  Have extra clean underwear available. Oh and as my friend said, NEVER TRUST A FART!!!!!  So if I haven’t lost you yet, Lets go

Prepare the oil and the juice and set it aside with a cover over the top.  That way if this this hits really fast, you are ready and don’t have to be bothered with making up this mixture.

At 7 pm, drink one cup of the water mixture.

At 9 pm, drink one cup of the water mixture.

At 11:00 pm, drink the juice mixture.  This will actually taste good after drinking the salt water.  Go immediately to bed and sleep on your right side with you knees up.  If you can’t go to sleep like this, then sleep on your back.

At 7 am, drink one cup of the water mixture.

At 9 am, drink the last cup of the water mixture.

You are all done, except for seeing the results of the flush.  By this point, your body is just expelling clear liquids, so you can easily see the little green balls which are coming from the liver and gallbladder.  Pretty interesting that all those toxins where in there and we don’t even know it.

CONGRATULATIONS, you may have just done your first ever colon cleanse.  I hope you did.   If not I hope that you schedule time for yourself and do this.  I’m 60 this year and have been told by others that I should do it, but never had the guts to try it.  I decided to be pro-active because I don’t want to do a colonoscopy because my thoughts on that are,  wait for it?  IT’S A ONE WAY STREET!  Many people do them, I will not.  I’ve seen perfectly healthy people go in for one of those things, and have to go in for surgery, because the doctor broke through the colon wall.  People have lived on this earth for 1000’s of years and have lived just fine without them.

Even the inventor of the colonoscopy recommends Kangen water after doing a colonoscopy, and he shows the difference of a person on the Kangen water afterwards, through time of course, the colon is clean, and good.  So I elect to just skip that part and drink my Kangen Water Every Day!  If you would like to know more about it, Let me know, or visit my website,

Benefits that I can feel 10 days out after mine?  I seem to be losing weight, my stomach is not so bloated, and I don’t crave sugar as much.  It said you can do it every 2 weeks, so I plan on doing it again, just to see if more stones come out.  The guy on the video I watched doing this, harvested a bunch and they were 1/2 to 1 inch big.  Mine were mostly little but hundreds of them.  So you decide.  Is it worth it?  Would I do it again?  Absolutely.

So, There you go, pardon the pun,  blessings to all!

Below is an Article I found on the internet, and they sell a liver/colon/gallbladder cleanse.  I don’t have any vested interest in the cleanse, other than to spread the word, and be a blessing to someone who wants to try this, but can’t afford to spend a lot of money.

Benefits of Liver & Gallbladder Flush

You May Benefit from a Liver Cleanse article by Andreas Moritz

Reaping the Benefits of a Liver Cleanse

Anyone suffering any of the following symptoms or similar ones is likely to have hundreds, if not thousands, of gallstones blocking the bile ducts of the liver:

Food cravings, diarrhea, constipation, hernia, flatulence, hemorrhoids, breathing difficulties, hepatitis and other types of infection, high cholesterol, pancreatitis, heart disease, brain disorders, duodenal ulcers, nausea and vomiting, a “bilious” or angry personality, impatience, greed, fear, disease and cynicism, depression. These expressions of discontent may indicate that the body is increasingly cut off from the circuit of nourishment and vital energy.

Additional manifestations: impotence and other sexual problems, prostate diseases, urinary problems, hormonal imbalances, PMT and menopausal symptoms, problems with vision, puffy eyes, all skin disorders, liver spots especially on the back of the hands and facial area, excessive weight or wasting, strong shoulder and back pain, a pain at the top of the shoulder blade, frozen shoulder, stiff neck, dark color under the eyes, coated tongue, scoliosis, gout, asthma, headaches and migraines, tooth and gum problems, yellowness of the eyes and skin, sciatica, numbness and paralysis of legs, joint diseases, osteoporosis, obesity, chronic fatigue, kidney diseases, cancer, MS, ME, cold extremities, excessive heat and perspiration in the upper part of the body, very greasy hair, to name some.

By removing the stones through a series of liver cleanses (usually six to eight are sufficient to fully restore liver performance), and consequently maintaining a reasonably healthy diet and lifestyle, the liver returns to its natural efficiency, and most, if not all, symptoms of discomfort begin to subside. Energy and well-being notably increase with each cleanse.

Sweeping the liver clean eliminates thousands of bits of poisonous substances that have helped form the stones and block thousands of liver bile ducts. Cleansing the liver bile ducts from gallstones may indeed be one of the most important and powerful procedures around to dramatically improve one’s health and raise the body’s vibration. By re-opening the bile ducts, the body’s energy circuits becomes restored and healing can take place on all levels of body, mind and spirit.

When the body Speaks

Unlike the stomach, for example, the liver rarely tells you directly when it is upset or if it needs your attention. It does tell you indirectly, though, when it starts to perform poorly. A skin irritation, weak eyesight, a bowel problem, an irregular menstrual cycle, a recurring headache, weight gain, loss of energy, sudden aging, restricted blood vessels, bloated intestines, digestive problems, breathing difficulties, memory and concentration loss, pain in the joints, or any major illness such as heart disease, cancer, MS, diabetes or Alzheimer’s, to mention a few, would not occur if the liver were in optimum shape.

In fact, because the liver is responsible for processing, converting, distributing and maintaining the body’s fuel supply consisting of nutrients and energy, impeding these functions not only affects the body as a whole, but also the health of every single cell.

Through dietary mistakes, stress, an unbalanced lifestyle, the use of drugs and chemical poisons such as food additives and artificial sweeteners (Aspartame), the liver bile ducts become clogged with deposits of hardened bile or “gallstones.” The resulting impairment of digestive functions reduces the nutrient supply to the trillions of cells in the body and may become a major cause of illness.

The Liver Cleanse

The liver flush mentioned here is a simple, safe and painless do-it-yourself procedure using mainly apple juice [there are options; malic acid has no sugar – Grace prefers it and provides it], olive oil, lemon juice and Epsom salts to dispel gallstones from the liver and, of course, also from the gall bladder.

Since introducing the liver cleanse to my patients, I have received countless testimonies expressing total amazement about the fast and profound healing effects it produces. They encouraged me to write a book on the subject. The book, which I named The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, includes the exact procedure and necessary background information for conducting such a cleanse.

My personal experience with the liver cleanse was quite amazing, too. During my first cleanse, I passed 500-600 gallstones, pea-size and larger, which had been impacting my liver for decades. Almost immediately, I was overcome by a simultaneous feeling of disgust, tremendous relief and euphoria.

Among numerous other complaints, which I almost had forgotten about because they had so much become a part of my life, the chronic backaches, indigestion and permanent numbness of my left leg disappeared (for good) and mental clarity reached unprecedented heights within several hours after the first cleanse. The positive effects continued to unfold and intensify after I passed another 3,000 or so gallstones during the following six cleanses.

I still feel perplexed about how I possibly could have survived with several handfuls of gallstones in my liver that were loaded with poisons, harmful bacteria and other noxious substances. Soon, I discovered that gallstones in the liver are more common than I ever could have imagined.

Gallstones in the Liver

An estimated one billion people in the world will suffer gall bladder disease at some stage in their life. In the United States, 20 million adults suffer from attacks of gallstones every year. In many cases, treatment consists of removing the gallbladder, at the cost of $5,000 or more per operation. Yet there are many more people, including those suffering a chronic illness such as heart disease, arthritis, MS or cancer, who have hundreds, if not thousands of gallstones blocking the bile ducts of the liver. A liver congested with gallstones may be one of the most common, yet rarely recognized causes of illness today.

Most people assume that gallstones occur only in the gallbladder. This assumption is wrong. Most gallstones are actually formed in the liver and comparatively few occur in the gall bladder. This can be verified by anyone doing a liver cleanse, regardless of whether he/she is a lay person, a medical doctor, a scientist or someone who no longer has a gall bladder and is thought to be free of gallstones altogether.

I am repeatedly asked the intriguing question: Why in mainstream medicine is there is no reference for the occurrence of gallstones in the liver? The reason for this important “missing link” may lie in the theories of modern medicine that suggest gallstones can only be formed in the gallbladder and not in the liver. Of course, it doesn’t help that the non-calcified hardened bile deposits (gallstones) congesting the liver bile ducts are invisible to X-rays.

Because bile and these stones are made of the same stuff, ultrasound scans also miss them. Only in some rare cases, where tens of thousands of stones have accumulated in the liver, has ultrasound technology been able to detect a few hundred of them. This makes modern diagnostic tools for detecting gallstones in the liver virtually ineffective.

On the other hand, a qualified iridologist, an Ayurvedic physician or a natural health practitioner who knows the signs and indications of gallstones in the liver and gall bladder can quite easily determine the degree of gallstone formation in these organs. But even in alternative or complementary medicine, there is rarely mention of an effective therapy that can actually remove gallstones safely and without pain. Even if all other disease-causing factors are eliminated, but gallstones are still present in the liver, they remain the harbingers of future illness.

Andreas Moritz is a medical intuitive, practitioner of Ayurveda, Iridology, Shiatsu and Vibrational Medicine. He is the founder of Sacred Santemony – Divine Chanting for All Occasions. Born in Southwest Germany, Andreas has spent most of his life living and practicing in Europe, Asia, Africa and the United States. He has authored four books on health and healing: The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation, It’s Time to Come Alive and Lifting the Veil of Duality. Andreas also is the artist who created the oil paintings for a new innovative approach to healing through energized art, called Ener-Chi Art.

End of Article


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About Christy Anderson

I've always been self employed, very health conscious. Currently with Enagic, being True Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Finances, brings Healthy Mind. #EnagicRoks #KangenWater, #SD501 and the #Anespa Also #Ukon #Turmeric Supplements. For more info: visit Looking for Distributors in #NewZealand, #Australia #UK, #Canada ,#Malaysia to name a few!

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