Learning how to accept change


This picture is so appropriate for what I am feeling, right now.  I have so much going on in my head right now, it feels like it is going to explode.  I decided I hate change.  Then my brain says, no you don’t!  It’s the only thing that you can really count on in life, is that nothing stays the same.

As some of you know who have been following me on here, I lost my Grandma last Christmas Day.  My Uncle had been watching over her all these years.  Now that she’s gone, my Uncle needs to go back up to be near his children up there, so they can help him.

So they came down over the weekend and lets just say, they walked into a nightmare.  I don’t think they had any idea, that without Grandma, he collected every newspaper, every little thing.  So it’s a really good thing, that they are taking him up there, to Rockford where my Grandma and Grandpa are buried so we don’t go through what we did with Grandma.  Long Story

OK, so the silver lining in all this is that, as cousins, we have reconnected in a way that only change like this can bring about.  It is amazing, and I’m sure that the elders are happy that this new relationship with each other has come back around.  Feels just like being kids again, sitting around the table at dinner the other night.  My cousin commented on how much my daughter April looks like me and it was so sweet.  They hadn’t had a chance to meet my family in a long time.  Too long for most of the kids to even remember, let alone my grandkids.

Anyway, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank them for their efforts to come down, close up the appartment, and take him back up with them.  I know this was a difficult task, and as we all get older, let’s use this as a time to refect and renew relationships that have been left unattended.

Our elders had a reunion every year, and now I see why.  When we all got together again, even though it was surrounding a funeral, it was great.  I know I can hear some people going, well duh, but the family was so fragmented because of situations and greed between older than us sibblings, that it was extremely toxic.

Now that it’s better, it is wonderful.  I wish my cousins the best of luck and I will offer to help in anyway I can.  Here’s the I hate change thing again, it feels like I’m losing my Grandma all over again, because my Uncle, the ornery guy he is, I love him so much and hate to see him go.

So please, life is short.  Please put aside your differences in family matters, because hanging on to all that does, manifest itself in your body.  I’m speaking from watching others, because I learned a long time ago, to just let the shit go, like one of my other posts I wrote.

So say a little prayer for them so they have safe travels home, and my Uncle adjusting to his new life.  Thanks again for reading this.  Till next time…

Hello, talking about Periscope…

Just a quick note to say hello.  I have been very busy learning Periscope, see one of my posts.  I would like to say, probably one of the most disturbing things I have seen on it, well first if you don’t know what it is.

It is an app you put on your phone, and you can watch live broadcasts, any thing from learning how to Periscope, with my favorite, @AlexPettitt.  Follow him, he is not only funny but an amazing teacher.

The disturbing thing I’ve seen is periscoping and driving.  I feel it is as bad as texting and driving.  One girl was scoping and was drunk, to top it off.  First what an idiot, but second dangerous.  They did pick her up btw, we will see what happens from that.

I’m sure that the people doing it have their phone secure and think it is fine.  But as the viewer, I can assure you that their eyes are constantly looking at the screen, to make sure they can see what people are responding to, and if they are getting hearts, which is how you show your appreciation or likes, if you will.  This post is in a quick type format, as I don’t have time to go back and make sure I spelled everything correctly.  (Some one brought that to my attention, and I’m not writing a book, if I was, I would hire a publisher.)

Anyway, that’s my take for the day.  Going to go to the casino with my lovely daughter tonight so wish me luck.  I go in with a 20.00 and that’s it.  No worries here.  I like my money too much to just go giving it away.  If I were to do that, I’m sure many of you would like to get into that line, right?

Ok so, go, have a great night, what ever you chose to do with it.  Oh and don’t forget to subscripe to my blog, and visit my website alkalizingyourwater.com and sign up for the free E-book.  I’d like it if you read it, but really, that lets me know you’ve been to the site.  Otherwise I only see you as a number, not a name.  I really appreciate you reading my blog.  Until next time,  drink lots of water.  Your Body needs it.  Like Enagics saying, Change your Water, Change your Life.   Christy

WalMart lays off 450 workers, NOW WHAT?

imageSorry about the s word, but this post is so appropriate for the picture.  450 workers are waking up today and thinking, NOW WHAT!

image image

I totally understand that it’s WalMarts right to let go of people the feel they don’t need.  It’s coming up on Holiday Time.  Maybe they decided they could hire, part timers to do your job.  It may or may not have anything to do with you or Obamacare!  We may never know.  Here’s the deal.

Let it go.  For the 450 people, let me address you for a minute.  And please, if you know of someone who is part of the 450, forward this on to them.  I can’t guarantee it will make them feel better, but it just might. We don’t know.

Ok, so time to think about you.  What do you want to do with the rest of your life?  Some of you got some pretty good severance packages.  Others not so much.  Even with a good one, you have some decisions to make, and soon, because that money won’t last long.  I’m not talking to you go getters, I know you will be fine.  I’d like to invite you to join my team of partners who are helping others lives, creating True Health.  Contact me if you’d like to hear more.

Im blogging right now on Tuesday Morning from my Tub, at 8:49 am.  I make money even when I sleep.  That’s what you want to find for yourself, because as we age, I’m a baby boomer, and would have a heck of a time trying to find a job at my age.  Quite frankly, I wouldn’t even want one, I’m almost 60 with probably more than 40 years to live since my Grandma lived till 104.  I’m so grateful for the ones who brought me the opportunity to make a wonderful living, no matter how old I get.  I can even leave my business to my grandkids when I die.  Doesn’t get much better than that.

Now, for others who think they need to find another JOB, please make a list of anything you would enjoy doing, and set out to do that.  Work isn’t work when you’re doing what your purpose in life is.  You have a short window with which to do this, or you will find yourself in extreme desperation and that’s not a pretty sight.  I don’t want that for anyone.  Everyone can do what I’m doing, so please, if you try to get that JOB and can’t find one, just know, I’ll be here ready to help.  Not do anything for you, but to help you do what needs to be done.  I believe in you.  You have value, or WalMart would not have hired you in the first place.

Now might be the perfect time to move to that area, that you’ve always wanted to move to.  I have people who are in other countries, who are doing what I do.

What about moving closer to those Grandkids, you are far away from?  Or the aging parents who would love you to live closer so that you can visit much more often.  I can help with that too.  It makes no difference where you decide to do my business, and if not mine, find one like it, although we have a patented compensation plan that is second to none.

In final closing out of this post, best of Luck to you, no matter what your future holds.  I have a feeling you are not going to be alone.  There are going to be companies all over America, getting ready to do the same thing.  They have to in order to keep the company alive for the masses.  Keep your head up, attitude in check and consider this a new day with unlimited possibilities.  Getting bitter serves no one, so like the opening picture says, let Shit Go!

How to use Periscope


OK, This puts me more than words on a blog, but now you get a glimps of me up close and personal.  I did a periscope, and it’s a lot scarier being live, because there are no do overs.

One word of caution about Periscope is that if your young children are on with their friends, others can join.  I happened to catch a group and she was showing how she puts her makeup on.  A couple of guys came on and they were saying things like flash your tits, and are you a virgin?  She didn’t know how to block the boys, so she just quit.  Good girl, Btw.

So, I suggest you watch some others, before attempting to do one yourself.  Michael Hyatt is a great one to watch, and some others, I will blog next time.  Right now, I just wanted to get a few pointers out there for thought.

If you want to watch some live, press the globe on the bottom or top, depending on your phone.  You will see red dots with numbers in them.  That’s how many broadcasts are live at any given moment.  I was able to watch a food festival in Denmark, they were having a blast.  Red dot, no number means just one live broadcast.

I think that if you are looking to make some new friends, or prospects, it is an awesome venue for that.  I’ve had my granddaughter McKenna this weekend, so I haven’t had much time to play with it.  Mommy and Daddy come home tonight.

She’s looking forward to their return since they were gone during Daddy’s birthday and can’t wait for Mommy to make him his birthday cake.  She accidentally hung up on him so we made this little video for him.


She is one of my Grandkids.  I have many.  Never a dull moment at the Anderson house!

Till next time… Thanks for reading my blog