2016 One Week In!

imageI’d like to thank my mentor Michelle Raley for posting a lot of these great motivational pieces on our Kangen Water Facebook members support page.

Today, as I wake up, I hear that the stock market will be opening at 400 points down.  We as Americans can do nothing about that.  What we can control, is whether we choose to add to the problem by selling off too, or holding tight.

We need to stay calm and don’t sell, unless you are within a 50 cent margin of drop.  If more than that, hold tight and hang on.  Sometimes the market gets messed with by a few who sell off big, and then buy it all back when the middle class gets scared and sells theirs off.

The ones who started it, pocket a fortune in just a few hours.  I’m not saying that’s what is happening today, but I’ve seen people’s retirement accounts wiped out in a day.  It’s kind of like a roller coaster ride.  Never get off when it’s at the bottom.  Wait till it comes back up in a few days.  At that point you can decide to get out altogether, trade to a different, less volital stock, OR you could put it into a business that can be a safer bet.

Shameful segue into a commercial for Enagic, but it’s the best thing I’ve done for myself in, well let’s just say years and leave it at that. Lol. We get paid daily.  The mailbox is our friend.  We work with our loved ones, and our friends and new friends.  We don’t have that awful feeling of having to work with those who put us down, or talk behind our backs.  People who would love to see us gone.  You know what I’m talking about.

I’m not saying to go quit your job, because you still need that job, until you build your business to the point where you feel comfortable you can meet your families needs.

If you are already financially independent, then you, like I did, can jump in feet first!  (Not recommended for bungy jumping, as I learned first hand, in New Zealand)  That had to be the biggest thrill in my life.  That and the skydiving, but I’m getting off subject here.

PEACE OF MIND, you can’t buy it, you can’t borrow it, you can’t steal someone else’s.  You can only create it for yourself.  I am in the business of helping others to create theirs.  I love my business, and if you would like to learn more about mine, call me.  I’m always ready to help the next person, who God taps on your emotions and says, have you had enough?



Get Pissed!


I lLOVE THIS PICTURE!  It’s going to be on my Vision Board!  Not sure what a vision board is?  Well, it’s a place that you put all of your goals and ambitions!  Put up a picture of the car you’ve always wanted to drive.  Doesn’t matter that you feel you will never get it.  It matters that your brain looks at it every day, and subconsciously will go to work to get it.  Already drive the car of your dreams?  Pick something else! Lol You can have as many or as few pictures-goals as you like.

If you do this, I guarantee you will thank me some day!  So what if it takes you 30 years to finally get it.  You want it faster?  Well, decide when you want it, and don’t just sit there, find a way to make it happen.  This mornings Darren Daily has it right!  Get Pissed!

Darren Daily GET PISSED video

If you’ve been looking to do something different this year than you’ve always done, then call me.  I have a vehicle that can change your life.  No, I’m not talking about a car.  I’m talking about changing your life, by changing your true health -healthy mind, healthy body, healthy finances.

I will help you.  I’m looking for a few people to lock arms and do a 90 day, full out massive action.  A common denominator of the people who make more than a 6 figure income, do this to get started.  A jet can’t get off the ground by just taxiing around the runway, you need full power in the beginning, to get off the ground.  Then you can sit back and enjoy the ride.  I know, we have our own plane.  This could be the day that you decide you want one too!  A few simple yes’s to questions and you are on your way.  No, you don’t need $100k to make that kind of money either.  The company is so great, it will even finance you to get started, if you don’t have credit available to you.  This company Enagic is the greatest company on planet earth, because it is a global company.

What do you have to lose?  Make sure to watch the video.  Then call me.  479-381-8953.  Let’s make 2016, your best year ever!  You can also learn more by clicking on my website Click this link to learn more.  Make sure you watch all the videos on the website.  Consider it an investment in you to do so.  My website if you want to share it is www.alkalizingyourwater.com

Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed today’s post, please share it with someone you love.  If you love them, so will I.  Please don’t share with the people you don’t like. Lol. In this business, we can choose, who we want to work with.  The money is nice, but long term, if you don’t like them, just pass! Lol

Hopefully, you walk away from this post, with the feeling that, yes, this year is going to be different!  Kinda like the Star Wars movie, let this be the year that THE FORCE AWAKENS WITHIN YOU!