Don’t Worry, Be Happy!



As as I get ready to go to bed tonight, I’m thinking of a wonderful friend I talked with today.  That person has always lifted me up, and believed in me when I needed it.

Today was my turn to return that favor.  In trying to think of something clever, I asked, nobody died right?  They said, No!  I said good, then there is still a chance to fix what ever the problem is!   We both laughed.

But seriously, when you think that life is messed up and we sometimes find it hard to even breathe, I beg you to reach out to the crazy person who, you know, can make you laugh.  Laughter truly is the best medicine.

My next favorite saying is this…




Till Next Time…

Life is all about Perspective


A new Facebook friend posted this and it is so true.  Chasing money can provide things but it can’t  provide the other things above.  I think there are a lot of people who think they will be happy if only…

But really without our health, it makes life hard to enjoy.  I know, the first part of my life, I had been paralyzed for a week and my poor husband had to do everything around the house.  Doctors only gave me pain pills.  It wasn’t till a nurse friend came to my house, and said that my coloring was changing and I needed to go to the hospital.

Well, I can be really stubborn, and wasn’t having that.  Another friend of mine told me about a chiropractor friend.  I know, some of you are saying oh no, but just wait because I decided to go to the Chiropractor.  My husband got me up out of that bed in excruciating pain, up onto his back and somehow into the car.  The pain was so bad, I don’t remember most of it.

I do however remember, feeling the adjustment he did that got the nerve out from being pinched, and I walked out of that office, by my self!

I do believe Doctors have their place, don’t get me wrong, but mostly I believe that if we give our bodies the tools to fix itself, that I will always pick that option.  Which is why I bought the Kangen Water Machine.


I choose health.  Since drinking the water, I have only had an occasional backache, but since then, I have bungy jumped, Sky Dived, and climbed a mountain in New Zealand.  I’m not saying it will do it for you, but what do you have to lose by trying it?


If you would like more information, check out my website  The machine comes with a 30 Day money back guarntee, so what do you have to lose?  Make sure you watch the videos, on the website, and not stuff on the Internet.

Ignorance abounds out there, including Doctors who tell people, oh I wouldn’t drink that water, never having tried it, or doing due diligence.  They are out there.

We need to be in charge of our Heath, because if your health is being governed only by pills, you need to ask yourself?  How’s that working for you?  Medication, and surgery are the tools of a Doctor.

There are other options… Just like my back, years ago.  Change your water, change your life!


How to change your Bad Habits


What are you doing, Or NOT DOING, That’s holding you back?  If it’s bad, STOP IT!

The video below is hilarious and sums it up perfectly!

So, think about what 3 bad Habits you have right now, and decide to change them!

If you need additional help, well, I can’t help you there!  That will be 5 bucks please.

Now, get out there, and make today, a great day!


How to Get yourself extremely motivated!

I haven’t tried adding a video on my blog before so we will see if this works or not.

He is one of the reasons I decided to change my mind and go to the Enagic Kangen Water Convention.

I wasn’t going to go and I had previously made plans before working with the Company.  But I have made so many new friends, through FB that I decided I really wanted to go.

After watching this video, I decided to JUST DO IT!

I posted on FB I was going to go.  I then found out it was sold out!  What a roller coaster ride that was!

So I post again, I wasn’t going to go!  I accepted my fate since I was the one who waited till 2 weeks before to decide to go!

Woke up this morning to a post on FB, that they had a few openings and to apply online!  Yay!

Now I have tickets!  California Convention, Here I come!

If you have read this and are going, please, please FB me and so I can see you there!  Can’t wait!  You can find me on FB or my website has my info.

If you are not in Enagic and have nothing giving you this kind of excitement, and want to join my roller coaster ride, please let me know!  I’d love to help you. Until then…  What’s your dream?  Just DO it!




In the Spirit of Gratitude!

This is dedication, It's Raining outside!

This is dedication, It’s Raining outside!

I was sick this weekend so I was home to catch this site.  My Landscape guys are the Best!  In order to give you the magnatude of how much they have to do….


This is no easy task.  I’m not showing this to brag, but to give you the appreciation of the work these guys do.  I did it in the beginning and believe, it did not look this good.

We have had so much rain this year and everything is so green.  I wish we could truck it out to the west coast, where they are being told to let their lawns die.

This upsets me! Not because they are asked to let the lawn die, if that’s whats good for the area, but because those that don’t obey, will be fined.  I don’t have a problem with that either.  I do have a problem with the fine assessment.  In my humble opinion, it should be assessed according to how much money you make.

Let’s say the fine will be 1,000.00.  If your only making say, 15,000 a year, that’s a pretty ample fine to get peoples attention.  But if your making a 6, or 7 figure income, and still watering your lawn, because lets face it.  To them, thats like giving away a dime.  Come on people, its not fair.

Same with our taxing system and I surely hope our next President will fix the tax system or I smell another tax revolt coming to America.  Anyway, I won’t get started on all that.

Back to Gratitude, since I was sick, many, many friends were reaching out to me, where before I was involved in the Kangen Water Business, I had my family, but now I have, as my daughter April calls it, her framily.  Friends who have become her Family.

I have slowly been adding FaceBook friends, carefully, in our business.  Creating relationships, and it was so nice to have people calling, messaging, and the like.  You guys kept me company during the time I was alone, and it meant more than you know.  I am truly blessed!  Not just by the material things, but by the emotional things as well.  Some people say, you don’t really have friends that are on social media, but I’m here to tell you, yes you can.

In that spirit, I will leave you with this.  If you don’t feel like you have friends, which I’m not saying I didn’t, reach out and join me in the greatest network of people I’ve ever worked with.  Check out my website,  Come on in, the water is fine, and the money is great too!