How to take back your Health


If you’re old enough to be part of the Baby Boomer generation, then you remember when Doctors thought there was nothing wrong with having a cigarette!  Even sexy!

Media was driving it, to be in the cool crowd.

Well, I think that we had been manipulated again, for profits, to buy water!  Think about this!  Why in the world would you spend your hard earned money to buy WATER?

We were told it’s better than drinking that nasty tap water.  Tap water by law, has to be 7.0 ph.  Almost all bottled water today is acidic!

Not to mention all the bottles that go into our landfills because people are too lazy to recycle.

I invite you to go to my website and if you watch the quick videos, one of them shows just how acidic the bottled water is!

You remember me saying that diseases can’t survive in an alkaline body, right?  So why would you knowingly pay for acidic drinking water?  You wouldn’t!  It’s because most people don’t have a clue that what they are buying for themselves and their children is NOT GOOD for them!

Anymore than the people who were sold the bill of goods that cigarettes were cool, even good for you.

Bottled water is an unregulated industry, and until people wake up to the dangers of drinking this unhealthy water, people like me will be trying our best to educate our families, friends and anyone who has a ear to listen.

How to look younger, feel better



Today, more than ever before, people are NOT drinking enough water.  We are made up of water, more than anything else.

Hospice?  Well, I’ve watched it and besides a loving environment to die in, in my opinion, is a place to go dehydrate yourself until your body can no longer function.  It is the saddest thing I’ve ever had to watch.

Which is why, while we are living, hydration is the greatest gift you can give your body. By Hydration, I mean H2O.  Not soda, coffee, and other drinks.  Not bottled water either.  Bottled water is unregulated, and is acidic, on the ph scale, leaving your body in an unprotected state to fight against disease and cancer.

Wrinkles and the aging process also is speeded up by the lack of H2O.  Some people think that they need moisturizers and lotions to help the skin.  Yes, these may make the skin feel better, but they do nothing but clog the pours with crap so the skin can’t breathe.  Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it breathes also.  Case in point, if your skin doesn’t get air, ever seen the skin when you take a cast off?

We just need to return to the basics!  Which is why the name Kangen, which in Japan means return to origin.  Kangen water machine takes the tap water, filters it out, electrically charges the water, and can give you alkaline ph water.  The BEST water you can give your body on the planet.

For more information please visit my web site  Sign up for my free ebook, if you do, I will send you a spray bottle with the Kangen Beauty water, to spray on your face, hands, and anywhere you feel your skin needs the extra hydration.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my blog!  I look forward to our paths crossing someday!




Ahh, Found the post!

So, Always make sure you know where the post is posting to. Remember my changing over to HostGater from WordPress? Well this post was still pointing over to the old WordPress. Very confusing, but I think I have it now. HostGater was very helpful this morning to working all this out. Since the post is not that big, I’m just going to retype it in.

Here goes:

Let me tell you about my weekend. I had McKenna, Yay: We didn’t get to go to Las Vegas, for the Tow Show, bummer! I LOVE VEGAS! So instead, I figured McKenna and I would watch Alex Nowak, my 13 year old grandson, play baseball, since the games were in Springdale. which is close by. Normally, they are farther away. OK, stage set for the weekend

I pick up McKenna from daycare Thursday afternoon. (This was two weekends ago now) Bryan, her Mommy and Daddy were leaving for Vegas that afternoon. She was so excited to see me and we just went back to our house since she hadn’t been to our house in a few days.

She woke up Friday morning, running a fever and not feeling very well. I had planned on taking her to daycare, but with the fever, no way. I had an appointment to go and purchase my new IPAD Air2 Friday. I took her with me, and thank God I DID go get it even with her not feeling well. It gave me something to do while stuck at home, since she was sick. I couldn’t go to any baseball games. This is starting to wear thin, since I’ve learned that not only am I an adrenaline junkie, but also a baseball junkie. The weather this baseball season has been messing with my addiction.

I had gotten the news that weekend that the friend of McKenna’s Mommy and Daddy had committed suicide that morning, and I was blown away. Here we go again with the dying stuff. I am at the end of that rodeo. Stop Already! She was such a sweet girl and I hope she’s at peace now.

Anyway, back to that weekend. McKenna and I had a wonderful weekend, other than her throwing up on Saturday, and watching endless Barbie, Paw Patrol, and I don’t remember what else. I got to play on my new Ipad, getting it setup. I bought it for my Enagic Kangen Water business, so It can mirror my Iphone5, and take some of the battery usage off my phone, so I’m not having to charge it every time I turn around.

I almost upgraded to the Iphone6 plus, but the size hurts my hand to hold because my first knuckles lock up on me. Anyone remember those God awful manual typewritters? When I was in high school learning how to type, my fingers would lock up on me, and my teacher Mrs. Jarret RIP just recently died too! She told me to never take a job as a secretary because I would suck at it. Only class I ever got a D in and I think she gave me that, because she felt sorry for me. lol Nowdays, It’s much better. They don’t lock up on me. I pretty much knew I never wanted to be a secretary anyway, because I like being my own boss. That’s also why I don’t work at TowMate with Bryan. A company can only really have one boss.

So, basically, that was my weekend. I asked McKenna if she wanted to watch Grandpa bring the Airplane in and she was so excited. Yes, PLEASE! We got there just in time to see them land.

Totally different from a year ago, same situation, McKenna was too little to go, but that time I was so glad I DID NOT go!

They do the same shows every year. Last year, I got a phone call from Bryan. He was wanting me to bring all the grandkids to the airport to watch them land. He also wanted me to video tape it because they were having trouble with the landing gear going down. I said are you serious? He said yes, they had trouble landing in Vegas, but that the gear finally came down. No one was able to fix the plane before coming home, and that he knew how to get the gear down manually, and it should be fine.

OMG, I did go to video tape it, but I was not taking the grandkids. If that plane went down that would scar them for life. NO WAY!

So, His daughter Andrea and I went out to the airport to video tape this great landing that he said could be used as a training video of either what to do or not to do.

We see the plane in the distance, and as it’s getting closer I can see that the landing gear is NOT DOWN. He makes the approach, but pulls up and goes around again. No big deal. This had happened before with Jimmy and I in the plane with Bryan. So I’m calm, Andrea not so much. On our flight we had to drop altitude and go back up a couple of times, and the landing gear came down. So I’m fine.
Then as we see him going around the pattern, to try again, we hear his engine quit. OMG, now I’m getting worried as I see the plane desend into the tree line from our vantage point. Then the plane started up and came out of the tree line as they were about to make the turn to come in for a landing again. What we didn’t know was that he was told to circle until the fire department could foam down the runway.

He comes in and I see the gear. I was relieved but wondering if they were locked in? YES EVERYTHING WAS FINE! Yay, now I can breath. So they taxi off the active runway. We can see the fire trucks heading our way. Once the plane was off the active it quit again, quite a ways from the hangar. Bryan popped out and started walking towards us to get the cart thingy to push the plane back into the hangar. OMG I was never so relieved. He started out to go get his plane. The Fire Dept guys came by the hangar and said why didn’t he wait for us to foam down the runway? He’s in trouble! I asked, didn’t you hear the plane engine quit and start back up again? He decided that he didn’t have that option with the engine failure. They said OH, NEVERMIND! and drove out to the plane to see if there was anything they could do to help him.

The plane was fixed later, and life goes on. This years Las Vegas trip was uneventful, flight wise, but very exciting for TowMate, as a new product they were showing off was well received by the customers.

So, In ending this, It used to upset my Mom when I’d call her and say if I die, it was nice knowing you. She’d yell stop that. I did it to the girls at NU Energy yesterday. Tomorrow we are heading to Lake George, NY area, where Six Flags is. You just never know how many days you have on this planet and you can’t sit around and let the what if’s ruin your today. So get out there and enjoy life to it’s fullest. Take risks, take one today. Check out my website, If your life isn’t full enough? Join me in mine. The water is fine!! Come on in… lol

I Lost a Post!

I did one early in May, and it’s pissed me off that I couldn’t find it. I know growing pains are hard, but this is ridiculous!

I tried copying and pasting and all kinds of crap. I just am whinnying because it don’t want to have to type it all over again.

I saved it to my other computer, and I can’t seem to get it over here. Now, you should know me by now, that I don’t quit. I will get this posted on here somehow, because I worked really hard on it. Ok, so tomorrow, I’m calling for help!

In the meantime, life has been interesting! Families been sick, with the stomach bug. So far since the FL trip, I’ve been spared that for now.

I thought I was going to loose it while having to clean up one of the kids! Yuck!

I’ve been making strides in putting my sales into QuickBooks, and true to form, because I started on the Iphone5 App of QuickBooks, I have to start all over because they say there is problems if you need to add services or upgrade later. I don’t know why I try to do things the easy way because it always bites me in the butt. Maybe it’s my way of loosing weight. Having to work extra hard. Oh well

Enough complaining, good news is, I have 3 new distributors, Andrea, Angela and Dawn. I’m so excited because now I have more people to help and not think so much on other stuff.

So for now, It’s time for me to go to bed, and make sure this goes on right, before investing any more time with this. So good nite, be safe and catch up next time.

Life is really short!

Last weekend we attended a concert, put on by Selena and Chris Anderson. The weather was bad and it took its toll out on the concert.

We took Mckenna up the the concert so that she could see her Daddy play.  We all enjoyed it.  The weather was nice out and McKenna was dancing and having a good time.

I remembered a time that we went down to Fayetteville to watch a concert. A friend of theirs from College was there and enjoying herself. I remember asking Selena, if she had heard from her friend lately?  She said she had not.

Today, we hear that her friend had died today.

I don’t know any details, other than it happened. My spirit is keenly aware of my friends when they are going through a difficult time. I hope that was not the case here.

We loved her enthusiasm and her friendly smile.  RIP young lady!  You will be missed.

Are we like the frog?



One of of my friends posted this picture with a story on how you can put a frog into a bucket of water, heat it up and the frog will adjust his temperature, and not decide to jump out until he has exhausted his energy adjusting, to not be able to get out and dies.

My question is, do we do that as well?  I look at some people’s lives, and they spend so much time doing the same thing everyday, but yet expect to get a different result.  This is nothing new.

We will always have those who sit back and accept the conditions as nothing they can do about it.

Then we have Angels on Earth, like my neighbor.  She volunteers her time, helping people.  She was telling me that one person told her, all he wanted was a steak dinner.  Well, after she heard that, she started organizing an event for the people there, and it meant so much to everyone involved.  This is something that we can all learn from.

When you’re out and about, keep your heart and ears open.

We all have things, gifts, talents that can make a difference in others lives.  My neighbor had many people offering to help if they do a function like that again, and it moved me how we as a people come together, when we need it.  We are Gods hands and feet!

On Mothers Day, at the restaurant, I saw a women, I really liked that used to come into my copy shop, 20 years ago.  She remembered me and called me by my name.  To me, that’s amazing.  I remember faces, but suck at names.  I decided that I am going to make an effort, to remember people’s names, because of the way it makes you feel, when they do.

When we focus on helping others, we help ours selves as well.  I remember one time, my first husband and I were so broke, we didn’t have money for food.  Food stamps were embarrassing back then, and my Grandpa came to our house, with a whole trunk full of groceries.  Still, thinking about it today, makes me feel the gratitude I felt that day.

So today, as you go through your day, look for those special clues that you can do, that would make such a difference in others lives.  When you do, it will make a difference in yours too!



The Power of MLM

I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day.  Mine was good, even though it was a first, since now I’m the oldest of the Grandmas in the family.  Kind of a scary thought.  58 and still had my Grandma.  I know there are some who don’t have Grandmas at a very young age.  You can always adopt me! Lol I learned from the best, on how to be a Grandma!

The Power of MLM

As I’ve said before, I’ve done MLM most of my life and never really made any money.  Loved the products, or I wouldn’t have sold any of them.  I’ve read so many books on the subject, you may borrow one sometime, or I can give you some titles and you can rent them from your local library, or just get them on kindle, you get the idea.

Well, I got my First check in January, for my first sale of an SD501P.  It was $285.00  That was the largest commission check I ever got doing MLM.  I had great success selling real estate, back in 2006, 2007  so selling was not the problem.  In real estate, your still trading your time for dollars.

We traveled so much with our business, Bryan invented wireless lights for the tow truck industry back in 1985.  Which BTW, has become a mult-million dollar company.  It didn’t happen over night.  It took years and years of struggling to get to where he is now.  You can see what he sells on  I am very proud of what he has done with his business.  If I sound disassociated from the company, it’s because, I am.  We butt heads too bad, on many issues, so it’s best I do something else.

So, MLM it is again!

I have finally found a company, with a great product, a fantastic marketing plan, in before momentum.  Which basically, means before everyone has already heard about it so you don’t make any money.

i have been steadily re-investing back all the money I have made into furthering my little business.  I purchased my beautiful EWS Website, purchased business cards, labels for the water jugs, to share, share, share water for free.  That is a huge difference in this MLM, not having to buy product to share.

I get wonderful Thank You commission checks from Enagic when I sell something.  My most recent, was 4 checks in one day.  Over 1,000.00.  Yicks!  That’s excellent in my book!

So I figured I better start keeping track of all this stuff before it gets out of hand.  I went to go put it into an excell spread sheet, and was embarrassed to realize, I’ve been away from it so long, I didn’t remember how to change the size of the column to fit what I wanted in there.

Forget it!!  I know people, who can help me do it quickly, so I just started writing it down.  Holly Smokes! As McKenna likes to say!  This is a picture of my deal.  I won’t be posting any more pictures of the money I make in the future, but thought you might be as shocked as I was.  I didn’t realize how fast this thing is rolling!


This will not be typical for everyone, because not everyone can afford to buy a machine for their home, one for their business, for the employees to drink and share the water and buy the Ukon vitamins, but I would recommend buying a machine, the SD501 and the Ukon vitamins.  The vitamins are not only the best turmeric supplements you can take, and is given to cancer patients.  It’s anti-inflamitory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial but they also keep your machine active so you will never miss a Thank You commission check because you haven’t sold anything lately!

If you ever do decide to do a MLM, I would highly suggest you put your elder, loved ones in first, before you get in, so they can make Thank You commission checks from all your activity.  As many of you know, chances are your the ones who will ultimately end up caring for them down the road, a few thousand dollars now, if they can’t afford to buy the machine, will bring them money since Social security is a joke to survive on!

Call  me if I can help you with any questions. 479-381-8953.  Have a great day, till next time, I wish you peace, love, and health!







Young or Old this applies…



Is that true or what?

If you have people in your life, that cause you nothing but grief, then it’s time to pull the plug on that relationship.

It’s not trying to be mean or anything, but if the relationship causes your body to go into a panic mode, just thinking about talking, or visiting with them, it’s time to pull the plug.

Rarely have I had to do that, but I have a time or two.  Luckily, not so much with friends, but others who have come into my life through business, or secondary relationships.

Oh Boy, but when it’s family, that can make it really difficult!  I hate having to tip toe, because of family.  When you have such a LARGE extended family as I do, it’s bound to happen.

My Mother past away, Dec 11.  My Grandma past last Christmas Day, so this will be the first Mother’s Day without either one of them.  I have no idea how this is going to work.  We have tension because death seems to always bring disagreements.  Should not be that way, but it is what it is!

Today has been a great day around here.  Kevin has hung out with me and this is what we accomplished.. 12 waffles to go to my Dad.  He loves waffles, and I am going to freeze them so he can have them later.  I planned on having some for Dad, but not so many.  Kevin was the one that wanted them.  I while I was unfortunately on a call, with #DigitalMarketing, Kevin ate something else. I totally spaced making the waffles.  Ingredients dry and wet, not mixed yet, or the batter would have been all over the counter.  Duh, thank goodness, they turned out great.

I just found out that Alex , my 13 year old has a concert tonight, and I was told an hour ago we have plans to do something else.  Not my day.  Kinda feel like Charlie Brown here!

I have no idea where the rest of this is going now, so maybe I’ll just quit while I’m ahead.

My head is still reeling with all the new information I learned on the call, and how to start to implement it.

Time for some #KangenWater, #Ukon and relax!  Visit my website if you get a chance to learn more!

What are you grateful for?



This is the symbol of gratitude written in the water!  I am grateful for #KangenWater and #Enagic.  I’m also grateful for my family, friends, and the groups who so generously offer their time to help my on this journey of blogging I’m on!

This seems very difficult!

imageEntering this world of blogging is not easy. No wonder not many people are doing it.  When I first started this, using WordPress, it was like just writing in a diary.

One day soon, I will have this under control.  Right now, I kind of wish I was back in my little easy bubble.  So I need to ask for patience, during my growing pains.

I envision, being able to put videos, etc on here and articles from other experts.  I probably should go into total blackout while setting up, but if you’ve read my blog, you know that’s not my style.  I like to drag you, my reader along for the ride.  Sorry!   Lol   NOT!

So, back to work!  Time to get more training from

While I’m busy, you could check out my beautiful website to learn more on the Anespa, and all the water machines that can help put your body into a ph alkaline state.  Cancer can not live in an alkaline body!  I know I keep saying that but as Tony Robbins says, “Repetition is the Mother of all Learning”.


I have McKenna and Kevin today.  Kevin is on intercession today, I will be full present with them. He wouldn’t let me take a picture of him so I’m using this one.  He’s learning how to play golf, and was so happy driving the cart.  I don’t know if that’s allowed.  Oops!

Not quantity of time, but quality time. My blogging experience will still be here when they leave!

Have a great day!