Ahh, Found the post!

So, Always make sure you know where the post is posting to. Remember my changing over to HostGater from WordPress? Well this post was still pointing over to the old WordPress. Very confusing, but I think I have it now. HostGater was very helpful this morning to working all this out. Since the post is not that big, I’m just going to retype it in.

Here goes:

Let me tell you about my weekend. I had McKenna, Yay: We didn’t get to go to Las Vegas, for the Tow Show, bummer! I LOVE VEGAS! So instead, I figured McKenna and I would watch Alex Nowak, my 13 year old grandson, play baseball, since the games were in Springdale. which is close by. Normally, they are farther away. OK, stage set for the weekend

I pick up McKenna from daycare Thursday afternoon. (This was two weekends ago now) Bryan, her Mommy and Daddy were leaving for Vegas that afternoon. She was so excited to see me and we just went back to our house since she hadn’t been to our house in a few days.

She woke up Friday morning, running a fever and not feeling very well. I had planned on taking her to daycare, but with the fever, no way. I had an appointment to go and purchase my new IPAD Air2 Friday. I took her with me, and thank God I DID go get it even with her not feeling well. It gave me something to do while stuck at home, since she was sick. I couldn’t go to any baseball games. This is starting to wear thin, since I’ve learned that not only am I an adrenaline junkie, but also a baseball junkie. The weather this baseball season has been messing with my addiction.

I had gotten the news that weekend that the friend of McKenna’s Mommy and Daddy had committed suicide that morning, and I was blown away. Here we go again with the dying stuff. I am at the end of that rodeo. Stop Already! She was such a sweet girl and I hope she’s at peace now.

Anyway, back to that weekend. McKenna and I had a wonderful weekend, other than her throwing up on Saturday, and watching endless Barbie, Paw Patrol, and I don’t remember what else. I got to play on my new Ipad, getting it setup. I bought it for my Enagic Kangen Water business, so It can mirror my Iphone5, and take some of the battery usage off my phone, so I’m not having to charge it every time I turn around.

I almost upgraded to the Iphone6 plus, but the size hurts my hand to hold because my first knuckles lock up on me. Anyone remember those God awful manual typewritters? When I was in high school learning how to type, my fingers would lock up on me, and my teacher Mrs. Jarret RIP just recently died too! She told me to never take a job as a secretary because I would suck at it. Only class I ever got a D in and I think she gave me that, because she felt sorry for me. lol Nowdays, It’s much better. They don’t lock up on me. I pretty much knew I never wanted to be a secretary anyway, because I like being my own boss. That’s also why I don’t work at TowMate with Bryan. A company can only really have one boss.

So, basically, that was my weekend. I asked McKenna if she wanted to watch Grandpa bring the Airplane in and she was so excited. Yes, PLEASE! We got there just in time to see them land.

Totally different from a year ago, same situation, McKenna was too little to go, but that time I was so glad I DID NOT go!

They do the same shows every year. Last year, I got a phone call from Bryan. He was wanting me to bring all the grandkids to the airport to watch them land. He also wanted me to video tape it because they were having trouble with the landing gear going down. I said are you serious? He said yes, they had trouble landing in Vegas, but that the gear finally came down. No one was able to fix the plane before coming home, and that he knew how to get the gear down manually, and it should be fine.

OMG, I did go to video tape it, but I was not taking the grandkids. If that plane went down that would scar them for life. NO WAY!

So, His daughter Andrea and I went out to the airport to video tape this great landing that he said could be used as a training video of either what to do or not to do.

We see the plane in the distance, and as it’s getting closer I can see that the landing gear is NOT DOWN. He makes the approach, but pulls up and goes around again. No big deal. This had happened before with Jimmy and I in the plane with Bryan. So I’m calm, Andrea not so much. On our flight we had to drop altitude and go back up a couple of times, and the landing gear came down. So I’m fine.
Then as we see him going around the pattern, to try again, we hear his engine quit. OMG, now I’m getting worried as I see the plane desend into the tree line from our vantage point. Then the plane started up and came out of the tree line as they were about to make the turn to come in for a landing again. What we didn’t know was that he was told to circle until the fire department could foam down the runway.

He comes in and I see the gear. I was relieved but wondering if they were locked in? YES EVERYTHING WAS FINE! Yay, now I can breath. So they taxi off the active runway. We can see the fire trucks heading our way. Once the plane was off the active it quit again, quite a ways from the hangar. Bryan popped out and started walking towards us to get the cart thingy to push the plane back into the hangar. OMG I was never so relieved. He started out to go get his plane. The Fire Dept guys came by the hangar and said why didn’t he wait for us to foam down the runway? He’s in trouble! I asked, didn’t you hear the plane engine quit and start back up again? He decided that he didn’t have that option with the engine failure. They said OH, NEVERMIND! and drove out to the plane to see if there was anything they could do to help him.

The plane was fixed later, and life goes on. This years Las Vegas trip was uneventful, flight wise, but very exciting for TowMate, as a new product they were showing off was well received by the customers.

So, In ending this, It used to upset my Mom when I’d call her and say if I die, it was nice knowing you. She’d yell stop that. I did it to the girls at NU Energy yesterday. Tomorrow we are heading to Lake George, NY area, where Six Flags is. You just never know how many days you have on this planet and you can’t sit around and let the what if’s ruin your today. So get out there and enjoy life to it’s fullest. Take risks, take one today. Check out my website, www.alkalizingyourwater.com If your life isn’t full enough? Join me in mine. The water is fine!! Come on in… lol

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About Christy Anderson

I've always been self employed, very health conscious. Currently with Enagic, being True Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Finances, brings Healthy Mind. #EnagicRoks #KangenWater, #SD501 and the #Anespa Also #Ukon #Turmeric Supplements. For more info: visit www.AlkalizingYourWater.com Looking for Distributors in #NewZealand, #Australia #UK, #Canada ,#Malaysia to name a few!

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